Time Commitment: Time commitments vary according to volunteer and patient needs. You may visit with a particular patient for 1-2 hours every week, or stay with a patient for an afternoon to provide respite for the patient’s family. Other tasks might be on a regular basis or helping once a year with an annual event. Volunteers are encouraged to make a one-year commitment; however, monthly hours are determined by the availability of the volunteer.
Training: There are approximately 20 hours of training involved in preparing you to work with hospice patients and their families. At the end of the training session, you will choose the role that best fits your goals as a hospice volunteer. The training process involves orienting to hospice, Brighton’s culture and expectations for our volunteer team, and hands on training with our volunteer coordinator.
Continuous Training: In addition to the initial training, Brighton provides continuous monthly online trainings, to be completed by the volunteer at home. These trainings range in duration from 30 minutes to 2 hours per month.