Who Pays for Hospice Care? – Andrea Munier Explains
Who pays for hospice care? Hospice is funded 100% by Medicare and Medicaid. It covers the nursing, CNA, Chaplain, and Social Worker visits. The various types of therapy are 100% covered, along with any medications related to the patient’s terminal prognosis. Depending on the patient’s diagnosis and conditions, Medicare or Medicaid can cover any or all of the following:
- Nursing care
- Physical and occupational therapy
- Hospice aide and homemaker services
- Prescription drugs for symptom control or pain relief
- Medical supplies
- Medical equipment
- Doctor visits
- Social worker visits
- Dietary counseling
- Grief counseling for both the patient and their family
- Short-term respite care
- Short-term inpatient care
Who qualifies for coverage?
You are eligible for hospice care if you have Medicare Part A, and meet the following requirements:
- Your regular doctor, hospice doctor, or nurse practitioner certifies you for hospice care
- You agree to receive palliative care
- You sign a statement confirming that you wish to receive hospice care instead of Medicare-covered treatments for terminal illnesses
There are some cases in which a patient may be required to pay a co-payment of no more than $5.00 per prescription drug. Some other costs and restrictions may apply. If you have any questions at all, please contact us. We are happy to speak with you and walk you through the process. Additional information on the topic of who pays for hospice care can be found on the Medicare.gov website.
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