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Information Regarding COVID-19 and Hospice

By March 24, 2020No Comments

Information Regarding COVID-19 and Brighton Hospice

At Brighton Hospice, we believe communication is a critical part of providing exceptional care. As concern continues to grow around the #COVID19 virus, our ongoing focus will be to provide the best care to our patients and their families, collaborate with our partner organizations, and protect and educate our team. Additionally, we will continue to take the following actions:

  • Communicate with our team about preventative measures and updated guidance to eliminate spread of the virus.
  • Support our patients and their families by providing the best care in the industry, answering questions and providing facts.
  • Collaborate with our partner care facilities to prevent and eliminate the spread of COVID-19 virus.
  • Gather and share real-time information from each of our respective state’s public health departments, centers for disease control and prevention, centers for Medicare and Medicaid services, state health associations, American Health Care Association, and National Center for Assisted Living.
Hospice COVID-19 Info